Monday, February 25, 2008
Hastings in the limelight!
Hastings is due to go to the polls for the local Council elections this coming May. One councilor position in each ward will be up for grabs. Now most of the wards are rather even in that both the incumbent councilors belong to the same political faction. However there are a couple of wards where there is a split; notably Silverhill – split between a Labour and Independent councilors where the Labour seat is up for election and Gensing – split between Liberal Democrat and Labour where the Liberal Democrat seat is up for election.
The way wards are split in Hastings every ward has an election every other year for one of the incumbent councilor seats. And it looks as if Nicky Boy has his beady eye (no pun intended) on these elections. They are fielding three candidates with Paul Price and Fay Hughes looking for votes in the Tressell ward and Michael Lovett is hoping to get elected in Hollington. They are probably counting on the general back swing from Labour. Getting the protest vote has always been a road in for the Blithering Neolithic Partisans.
One of the reasons I am firmly against the ‘No Platform’ is because it gives the Pig Farmer ample opportunity to pay the ‘more-sinned-against-then-sinning’ card. And boy oh boy does he love it!!! Where was this better illustrated then in the meeting held by the ‘One eyed King in the country of the Blind’ … Yes I am talking about the recent ‘rally to arms’ held by Nicky Boy himself at a ‘secret’ location. So secret even the location did not know about it till afterwards so it seems.
According to an article in the Hasting’s & St Leonards Observer (19 February 2008) he is quoted as saying:
"I would love to come down and debate issues in public but we are simply not able to. All that would happen is our opposition would bus in demonstrators to stand outside or put pressure on the owner of the venue to not to let us meet there."We would then most likely be blamed for any disturbances so we have to go out of our way to avoid confrontation."
When you look at the various comment on the BNP visit the majority of them are concerned with whether or not the BNP should or should not be allowed to visit. Very few are actually about what the aims for Hastings are as far as the BNP is concerned. What did not come out loud and clear, and probably should have done was the feeling that ‘removal of foreign nationals’ is clearly something the BNP is interested in.
In the same article as above The Pig Farmer is quoted as saying: "Tourists come visit the town expecting to see somewhere connected to 1066 and the Battle of Hastings. They are expecting an English seaside town - not what it has become now." Of course I may be wide of the mark now but I would have thought that most people are aware that this is no longer 1066 and that a certain degree of progress has been made since then.
Though Hastings is, quite rightly so, proud of its historical past no one would wish to see any town, whether an English seaside or not, resting on its laurels … especially when those laurels are assumed to go back as far as 1066. There are a great many other attractions in Hastings and many of them do not date back as far as 1066. However they too have their part to play in what makes Hastings unique.
I personally think that the BNP is interested in Hastings because it deems it ripe for what it excels at; the sowing of disharmony and discontent. That Hastings, along with many other towns in England has areas of deprivation is not disputed. That Hastings in common with many other boroughs has a council that at times seems deaf to the people it is supposed to represent will not be questioned. What I do wonder though is whether the introduction of a party that advocates the highlighting of differences rather then commonalities will actually serve any constructive purpose.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
The White Rose
I've been trying to figure out how to link to the article, unsuccesfully so far, but I would urge you all to read it:
65 years ago today: remembering the White Rose
Sunday, February 17, 2008
A BNP infestation?
But there is something odious about the manner in which White Nationalism in general and British Nationalism as espoused by the BNP in particular tries to enforce itself on the population at large; and enforce it is and make no mistake about it (but more about that later). For now it is the general manner that seems to be de rigueur for the BNP that I am contemplating. In some areas, much fewer then Nicky Boy’s brigade would have you believe, they have been established for a while and to discuss their eruption on to the local political landscape is complex and multi-faceted. However here, in Upper Beeding we have what I think serves as a very good illustration of what a BNP infestation actually entails.
Upper Beeding was a typical English village in many ways. The pace of change was sluggish according to David Coldwell, editor of the village newsletter. And then a charming Donna Bailey arrived on the scene. Young mums loved her, she was kind, concerned, active, involved:
"She's a marvellous person. She's just thrown herself-into helping the community, and there aren't a lot of people like that around these days," explains Lorraine Blain, 38, who runs the local pub. "She raised money for the school, helping them buy laptops, and she's forever talking about how we've got to do something for the youngsters, to stop them loitering at the local convenience store every night." No surprises then that her fellow mums supported Donna when she told them she was thinking of standing for the parish council. (Daily Mail, 4th February 2008)
What Donna may not have told the mums was that she had tried to stand as a district councillor in other areas: twice in fact and both times unsuccessfully so. She had also omitted to tell them that she was a member of the BNP and an active member at that. This did not come to light, according to the same article till idle curiosity on the part of some sitting members of the incumbent Parish Council caused them to do some research on the internet.
This is where I was reminded of Foul Ole Ron and his independent minded scent – well it was more of a stench really. Aficionados of Terry Pratchett’s Disc World will recognise the character. Suddenly and without any real prior warning the other side of Donna came to the fore; contentious, litigatious, strident and demanding. When her request to be co-opted unto the Parish Council was denied, she marched along with 23 supporters to the next Parish Council demanding she be appointed. When this was again refused, she forced a by-election.
Setting neighbour against neighbour and causing upheavals the likes of which have not been seen in Upper Beeding. And was it all worth it? She, even with the elections forced on the local community did not get her place on the Parish Council. But it has left bitter divides; divides that will not heal all that easily. It has also highlighted a very real concern. The surface plausibility that hides quite effectively the real nature of British Nationalism as espoused by the BNP
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
‘Wide Boys“R”Us’ - or BNP Finances?

Okay we learned nothing new really from the broadcast. Well, nothing that hasn’t been bandied about on the various blogs and forums interested and concerned about the shenanigans of this 4th Major Party, the BNP - as Nicky Boy likes to call his piggybank. I did however learn one new thing. I never knew that there was such a creature as a “Forensic Accountant”. But I am getting ahead of myself …
I was hoping that the programme might address various issues such as the refurbished barn on the ole homestead – you know the one I mean. That barn that was refurbished using party funds for materials and the expertise of skilled artisans from among the faithful – all volunteers. Currently the party pays £19,000 a year ‘rent’ for the barn as detailed in their overdue but finally submitted accounts
(From the copy of 2006 accounts finally available from the Electoral Commission website)
But alas that was not to be. What was brought up though was with what little regard this ‘great white hope’ for the hard working and ‘down-trodden’ law abiding native inhabitants of this country regarded the actual Rule of Law. You know the one I mean, that one he is claiming is being submerged by Sharia Law.
At a conference organised by a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan Nicky Boy can be heard to ask people to … “throw money at the British National Party. Actually, you can’t throw money at the British National Party because it is against the law. But you can throw money at a group called ‘Civil Liberty’ and that is within the law. It is bizarre but there you are … the law is an ass” so sayeth Mr Griffin - quoting poor Mr Bumble completely out of context in the process. Incitement to circumnavigate the law? From such a fine upstanding honourable pig farmer?
Of course Mr Smith, Civil Liberty Treasurer, states that the organisation does not exist purely to help members of the BNP (Did someone forget to mention that fact to Nicky Boy) Though he cannot recall which non-BNP members the group has helped … Are there any or are those 'few low profile cases down South' an instance of ‘OMG!!! I wish there were some so I could counter-claim’. As of February 12, 2006 the Civil Liberty website listed only 3 individuals that it had supported in their fight against victimisation because of dissent:
- BNP councillor Arthur Redfearn
- Nick Griffin
- Mark Collett
It also mentioned concern for Tina Wingfield, another BNP activist and there is a mention of support from, rather then for Bradford BNP activist Darren Manby. Never Mind Mr Smith, I for one am willing to let you come back to us on that one. On the day a snowman rules in Hades.
But it seems that circumnavigation is about the kindest thing that can be said about the financial contortions of the BNP. What about those shredded document then? Now there is something really fascinating …
- Claim number one: There is no such thing – no paper records everything stored on computer.
- Claim number two: the shredded material included material such as "draft accounts that may have errors in dates and things like that. Because you are trying to reconcile the accounts, of course you shred documents."
Of course Mr Walker sir; now, I am no accountant but I would have thought that shredding documents is something you would do when you are cooking the books. Judging by the linguistic content of the submitted annual accounts, I don’t think that grammatical errors were the reason for shredding anything.
BNP as a brand name? Well, why not. I often go to the local supermarket and get a couple of pounds of Tate and Lyle sugar, a jar of Kenco coffee … oh and while I am at it I’d better have a packet of BNP. We are running rather low on racist xenophobia (Actually I do need to get some toilet paper next time I go shopping).
One other thing I shall await with eager anticipation. The sight of that bounced £20,000 (twenty thousand pound Sterling) cheque. There is no doubt about it but Nicky Boy, exultant from his narrow escape on the steps of Leeds Crown Court did speak of a single donation of £20,000. Of course it is very amusing that this cheque bounced Mr Walker. What I find incredible though is that you, as treasurer should not be able to access this bounced cheque and the letter confirming its ‘bouncing’. But again, I am sure that once your deputy returns from wherever he is lurking, that you will be only to glad to put all our minds at rest.
Oh, and before I put this post to rest. Remember I mentioned a ‘Forensic Accountant’. Well Chris Makins is one. The firm he is with has some expertise in uncovering money laundering. He is concerned by the two separate headings in the accounts:
- Meeting collections £80,000
- Donation income other £62,000
He feels that for a sum as large as £62,000 there really should be something more specific then merely ‘other’. Still Mr Walker holds that this is insignificant and as Mr Walker has so far managed to inspire me with complete confidence in his integrity …
Well, no not quite. But I am convinced of his utter loyalty to the Chairman; and his complete confidence in both the Chairman and other high officials whom he absolves from having to account for their spending when they are ‘out in the field’. In short, the programme left me with more questions then answers and I daresay the latter will not be forthcoming in any hurry.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Forums Locked
A quick update: As of late last night it seems that it is impossible to access Stormfront or Stormfront Britain.
Clicking the link that Google offer you for Stormfront leads you to some Swedish Music site. Stormfront Britain just comes up with a 401.
But the Oxfordshire forums UK and world news category is unlocked and people are free to post there again.
Another quicky update. It looks as if Stormfront has just been closed down for maintenance.Well, that was the claim when I finally did manage to access the front page. Seems to have taken an extraordinary length of time though
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Slimy swamps of decayed imbalance.
Something like:

This above is a typical active topics page where the far right in its various guises has taken over a public discussion forum. No mention of issues that are of national relevance such as the proposed take over of ‘Northern Rock’. No discussion regarding the post code lottery and the provision of care by the NHS – the only time the NHS warrants a discussion it is in relation to Muslim medical students seemingly refusing to ‘scrub up’.
On the principle of ‘flood and deluge’, pejorative threads multiply. Very few of the far-right posters have actually anything to bring to the debate as such. So generally speaking apart from a quick ‘cut and paste’ more often then not direct from the BNP owned Regional News there is very little else. If flaws are pointed out or inconsistencies highlighted or alternative views offered it quickly descends into a raving attack on the various individual posters.
So in essence reasoned debate is caught in a cleft hook. You either ignore the threads hoping that they will fall off the ‘active post’ threads – in which case there are apparently plenty more ‘topics’ that can be raised regarding ‘filthy foreigners’, their criminal ways, their abuse of the benefit system, etcetera and so forth. Alternatively you try and address the ‘concerns’ and the topic is kept active primarily by seemingly semi literate keyboard activists who ‘ladder’ quote.
Even when a very brave poster manages to get a thread of topical interest posted and where the issue of race or ethnicity has no real bearing on the matter, they will bring race and immigration in. Ignoring the posts is an option that will only work to some extent because before you know where you are, the actual thread becomes impossible to read and the real debate impossible to follow.
On our forums, the late and sincerely lamented ‘Evening Argus’ we fought back. We continued posting, refusing to be over-run. One or more of the more pernicious far-right posters then decided to ‘advertise’ for fellow xenophobic White Nationalists and racialist far-right BNP keyboard activists to join the fray:
and beat the 'lefties' - which not all of us were. I am not, a couple of posters were and at least one of our posters was extremely conservative in his view.
The long and the short of it is that we ended up with discussing nothing. The Forums got spammed, time and again and eventually the ‘lamentables’ managed to find a way of overloading the servers; which effectively resulted in the forums being locked down, causing hours of work for the forum hosts.

As you can see, it even annoyed some of the seriously minded right wingers.
But not before Byron Boy above managed to drag in some re-enforcements.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The How, the Why and the Wherefore ...
I am a Jew. Not orthodox, not even all that practising but a Jew never the less. I thought I’d better let you know right off the bat because as soon as the comments start coming in, I am sure that one of the dear 'lamentables' will point it out. It is not something I am proud of particularly. After all I haven’t done anything to warrant the distinction. I was born a Jew because my mother was born a Jew etcetera and so forth. I am proud of being me though and part of being me is being a Jew.
I first got involved in local forums a few years ago. It was just my local newspaper forum. You can see a link to that at the bottom of this blog. It isn’t a big paper you understand but it was our local paper. The forum when I joined it sometime in 2003 was a lively little community. We had our forum regulars, including the requisite characters such as the forum clown, the village idiot and our very own ‘Victor Meldrew’. We had some lively debates about various issues, local, national and international. We would bicker and banter and sometimes we’d fight like cat and dog on one subject, agree wholeheartedly on another. We had posters from across the political spectrum and not all local to Brighton either. Some were from abroad, others from different places in England; though all had some connection with Brighton.
Just before the cycle of Local Government elections in 2003 we got a contingency of rather brash posters. It was the first time ever I came across the naked face of the BNP. Oh, I had met nationalists before. I had come across racists before. Both open and above board racists and, perhaps more frequent then most people are aware, the unaware racist. But I had never before come across the naked face of the BNP. The vile base comments and posts all claiming legitimacy on the basis of ‘Free Speech’. Whilst relying however on the anonymity of the internet to absolve their authors from accountability which is the very foundation of ‘Free Speech.
When it first started opinions regarding how we were to deal with this influx were divided. Some were of the opinion that if we just ignored them, they would eventually go away. Others thought that we could talk to them as one would with any rational human being. It became a dirty, nasty war of attrition. Slowly the number of regular posters dwindled. What had been a lively little community became a handful of posters. The more bloody-minded handful that was not going to have ‘our’ forum dragged down to the slimy swamps of decayed imbalance that is the BNP and White Nationalist world view.