Something like:

This above is a typical active topics page where the far right in its various guises has taken over a public discussion forum. No mention of issues that are of national relevance such as the proposed take over of ‘Northern Rock’. No discussion regarding the post code lottery and the provision of care by the NHS – the only time the NHS warrants a discussion it is in relation to Muslim medical students seemingly refusing to ‘scrub up’.
On the principle of ‘flood and deluge’, pejorative threads multiply. Very few of the far-right posters have actually anything to bring to the debate as such. So generally speaking apart from a quick ‘cut and paste’ more often then not direct from the BNP owned Regional News there is very little else. If flaws are pointed out or inconsistencies highlighted or alternative views offered it quickly descends into a raving attack on the various individual posters.
So in essence reasoned debate is caught in a cleft hook. You either ignore the threads hoping that they will fall off the ‘active post’ threads – in which case there are apparently plenty more ‘topics’ that can be raised regarding ‘filthy foreigners’, their criminal ways, their abuse of the benefit system, etcetera and so forth. Alternatively you try and address the ‘concerns’ and the topic is kept active primarily by seemingly semi literate keyboard activists who ‘ladder’ quote.
Even when a very brave poster manages to get a thread of topical interest posted and where the issue of race or ethnicity has no real bearing on the matter, they will bring race and immigration in. Ignoring the posts is an option that will only work to some extent because before you know where you are, the actual thread becomes impossible to read and the real debate impossible to follow.
On our forums, the late and sincerely lamented ‘Evening Argus’ we fought back. We continued posting, refusing to be over-run. One or more of the more pernicious far-right posters then decided to ‘advertise’ for fellow xenophobic White Nationalists and racialist far-right BNP keyboard activists to join the fray:
and beat the 'lefties' - which not all of us were. I am not, a couple of posters were and at least one of our posters was extremely conservative in his view.
The long and the short of it is that we ended up with discussing nothing. The Forums got spammed, time and again and eventually the ‘lamentables’ managed to find a way of overloading the servers; which effectively resulted in the forums being locked down, causing hours of work for the forum hosts.

As you can see, it even annoyed some of the seriously minded right wingers.
But not before Byron Boy above managed to drag in some re-enforcements.
An excellent start, Miriam. They hate us just a little bit more than they did, but do we care?
Can I just say that the vast majority of people really couldn't give a flying f--k over the vacuous ill informed "left vs. right" bullshit that has swamped the Oxfordshire forum.
I do realise that people need something to make themselves feel of value in their lives, but those of us who have dispensed with such simple minded dualities, recognize that every pro has an anti are bored shitless by the vacuous posturings of a handful of middle class creeps on either side.
¡No PasarĂ¡n!
Good luck Miriam, the nutzis on Scumfront really hate you. You must be doing something right!!!
Thanks you two ... I'd sooner they engaged in meaningful and constructive dialogue but 'hate' is something I can live with as well ;-)
Keep up the good work. Hope to see you report on the File on 4 proggy tonight.
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