Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tameron is here!

These have been a few stressful weeks and no mistake. My youngest daughter has always had a tendency to follow a beat no one but she can hear and it seems my youngest grandson is following very firmly in his mother’s footsteps. I reckon if I step in my car, clad in my nightdress, slippers and dressing gown … the engine will switch itself on and just head for the local maternity ward without being asked. But he is finally here!

And worth all the ‘dry-runs’ and every hair raising dash we’ve been through; the whole 7lb 6oz of unadulterated, sweet-smelling bundle of delightful promise, potential and wonder of him.


We’ve had a bit of a scare as well as he had to be delivered by emergency C-section. My daughter caught an infection and things were rather hairy for a while. She has finally been given the all clear and so we should all be able to get back to normal before long. Tameron is doing well … he is now three weeks old and a healthy 10lb and I swear that was a social smile he gave me yesterday. And you can say it was just wind all you like. I stand by the social smile!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ain't it a woglet? Must piss you off big time considering what your real agenda is..

Miriam Binder said...

A woglet? What on earth is that? Oh, I see ... one of your xenophobic insults. Not very effective though is it. Actually, Tameron is a baby, a very gorgeous and wonderful baby. A delightful affirmation that despite all your hateful ramblings life goes on and children are born and welcomed.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous of 14 April 9.38pm -

What has this innocent baby done to you? You are just another cancerous BNP troll. You really expose yourself as a hate-filled loser: all your ranting about political correctness, multiculturalism, Muslims, immigration etc. cannot hide the fact that you are filled with hatred, ignorance, arrogance and pure evil - that you cannot even resist attacking this baby for simply being a human - or a 'woglet' as you call it. Fuck off you BNP scum, go to hell fascist retard, you miserable piece of shit.

No surrender to the BNP!

Anonymous said...

Who is the father i bet you dont know. lmao.

Miriam Binder said...

It ain't you and that is a relief in itself!